Best Christian Dating Sites For Seniors

Best Christian Dating Sites of 2021. Category Rating. can assist Christian men and women seeking a partner in life and in faith. This time-tested. Christian Mingle. The main reason I am listing eHarmony first is that the platform has more users. Welcome to The Best Dating Site for Senior Christian Singles! EliteSingle's senior dating blog notes that most older individuals realize that life is just too short to play games, and that older people take dating much more online than they did 40 years ago.

  1. Christian Dating Sites
  2. Single Christian Men Over 50
  3. Free Christian Dating Sites
  4. Best Christian Dating Sites For Seniors Free
  1. The Original and Best Christan Senior Dating Website for faith, fellowship and love. Christian online dating, christian personals, christian matchmaking, christian events, and christian news.
  2. The original and best Christian Seniors online dating site for love, faith and fellowship. Christian online dating, Christian personals, Christian matchmaking, Christian events, and Christian news!

Lately I have been getting a lot of questions from older Christian singles who want to be married. They have been asking about what dating advice there is for them and what changes should they make to their dating approach since they are getting a little bit older.

Here are 4 Christian dating tips for older adults who would like to be married.

1. Trying Something New

My general tip would be to just try something different. Lots of times Christians hear a sermon or a teaching on dating and then assume that advice is the only way to ever date. There are certainly biblical truths that apply to dating that Christians should never violate, but “how” people date is an area where we have lots of freedom.

God has not given us one dating path to follow. The way people are joined together in marriage has changed over the centuries. Marriage is where God has let us know a lot more details. So you should not be overly attached to just one dating model. You don’t have to get to know someone as friends first before dating them, you are allowed to date your best friend, you don’t always have to be in a group setting, you can be in a group setting, you can date someone you just met, you can online date, you can go on a blind date from a trusted friend – as long as you are not violating a command in Scripture and you are not sinning.

Overall, if what you have been doing is not working, it’s time to try something different. Don’t just keep trying the same thing (or not trying the same thing) and expect different results.

2. Take Advantage of the Opportunities You Do Get

I think one change in advice that I would give to Christians who feel they are getting a bit older is to take advantage of the opportunities that do come across your path.

If a Christian guy or girl comes along that you are interested in or attracted to, you shouldn’t just sit back and see what happens like you did when you were 20. As you know, the older you get the less options there are. Don’t miss an opportunity to get to know someone who seems to have potential. If you are a woman, this can be a bit challenging because you might believe there is nothing you can do but sit back and wait to be pursued. (Read: Should a Christian Girl Pursue a Guy?)

I disagree. There are a lot of options you have, but perhaps the best piece of practical advice I have is use the power of an invite. If you want to let a guy know you are interested without coming across as desperate, just send him an invitation to do something. In person, over the phone, through text, whatever, just ask him if he would be interested in going out to dinner, a movie, or some other event you would enjoy. Invite and then let him take it from there.

All in all, whether you are a Christian guy or girl who is getting older, you have to accept that the options are more limited, therefore you should not let good opportunities pass you up. You can’t use the same approach you used when you were 19 or 20. You had more time and more options then. If you are going to error on the side of coming across as too forward or too passive, the older you get the more you want to take chances socially and just see what might happen rather than just waiting around for the other person to do something.

3. Date Outside of Your Social Box

This piece of advice applies to anyone who is having trouble meeting other Christians who they would want to date. If you are not meeting anyone in your circle, one solution is to start looking outside of your social box.

We all have a social box. We all come from a certain culture, from a certain neighborhood, from a certain economic environment, and from a certain family background. There’s nothing wrong with marrying someone like you, but you might be limiting some great options if you never start dating outside of your box.

Visit a church with a different culture. Start looking to date someone like you’ve never dated before. For example, have you ever considered dating someone who already has kids? This is a radical idea for some, but the older you get the more unrealistic it becomes that you will find someone who has been totally single there whole life. There are a lot of beautiful Christian single moms and strong Christian single dads out there that have grown from their past life experiences and are now ready to be a great spouse.

So think outside the box. What “type” of people have you always dated? Try something new. You never know what could happen.

4. Examine Your Expectations and Requirements of People You Will Date

Lastly, one huge problem that often causes prolonged singleness is perfectionism. In general, perfectionism kills productivity. When you apply this principle to Christian dating, sometimes the reason people remain single for so long is because they have too many requirements and boxes they need to check before they will ever give a guy or a girl a chance.

I’m not saying you compromise on you values or violate God’s word. But perhaps you need to shorten your list of requirements. The one piece of dating advice that I always hear and which I really do not like is “Never settle.” Of course I agree in general. You should never marry someone you don’t actually love. But I think some people say “Never settle” and Christian singles hear “Never date someone who isn’t exactly what you dreamed about.”

Our thoughts, dreams, and expectations as young people rarely match reality. When we get older, we can either cling to our fantasies and get bitter or depressed that our hopes are never fulfilled; or we can adjust our expectations and learn to appreciate people for who they are rather than pick them apart for who they are not. Many times people say, “There’s just no good options out there.” That might be true, or it might also be true that you just can’t see the good options because your standards are too high and you can’t see over them. There are oftentimes good options out there, but there are never perfect options out there.

So I’m not saying you need to lower your standards if you are getting older and are still single. I’m just saying it’s something to think about and pray about. What qualities are you placing too much importance on? What qualities might you want in a guy or girl but are not absolute necessities? The more expectations you have the less likely you will ever meet someone just like that.

Don’t just date anyone. If you don’t like someone, you don’t like him or her. That’s fine. Just be open to God doing something creative in your relationships.

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Imagine being able to go to church every Sunday with your partner who has the same faith. You will be connected not just by your religion but by your love for each other. Your faith in religion will make your connection even stronger and last forever.

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A good website allows users to find love, no matter how old or what religion.

The below-listed Christian dating websites cater to all people and all ages. They reach out to many people with different backgrounds and can connect them together. We hope the review of these reliable Christian platforms has given you some good information and will allow you to move forward with choosing the best service. You don’t need luck with these Christian platforms you just need an open mind.

Elite Singles

Short Review

Through the Christian site review, we aim to bring readers the facts about the website and all that comes with it. There are many websites for seniors, so what is special about this one? It is a very popular Christian dating site for seniors, as over 90% of the members are over 30 years of age and hold an above-average education. It makes the members of the Christian website serious and committed to real relationships. The Christian dating platform is an American site that has 25 partners across the world. The site helps senior singles meet their love online. So if you are one of many singles in your thirties seeking a partner. Elite Singles has a system that will match singles with 3-7 matches per day, it is based on location, education, and personality.

Christian dating sites



  • Profile advise helping create your profile
  • Validation of every profile
  • Mobile app
  • Customer support


  • So many profiles to search through

How Does Work?

By researching the dating service, we have discovered it is very simple to use the dating platform, and the site offers to guide 30-50-year-olds to find love. There are educated singles seeking love with almost all the registered members being serious about finding a partner. It is a very popular Christian dating site for seniors, most members are Christian and follow religion, so there are lots in common with most members before you even start searching. The aim of the Christian website is to match you as soon as possible, and there is a high success rate with the Christian platform.

Elite Singles help match similar personalities with each other in a fast, efficient way. The dating site review has been impressed with the convenience of the website and the high success rate it has. If you like Christian dating and searching for singles who are in their thirties and above, the dating platform will appeal to you.


Short Review

In the dating review of the famous Zoosk dating website, we aim to give you facts about the platform and why it is one of the oldest and most reputable sites on the market. This platform is one of the best Christian dating sites. There are many seniors searching for love on the website, and they can find love just as well as the younger users. The platform began in 2007 and is still going strong. It has a great reputation all over the world and has a very high match rate for its clients. There are many Christian singles looking for love on Zoosk, and it is easy to find a beautiful partner with the help of the site’s algorithm. During our review of the dating site, we have discovered many seniors seeking love on the website. So the Christian platform really caters to all types of singles seeking love.



  • Many members to choose from
  • Different options to show off on your profile
  • Compatible with mobile app


  • Restricted service for free members

How Does Zoosk.Com Work?

As Zoosk is one of the oldest and a firmly established Christian dating platform, it knows what it is doing when it comes to finding dates. In our review of the dating website, we have found that if you are a Christian single aged between 30 and 50, there are many choices on this website. This is one of the finest free Christian dating sites for seniors. To use the dating platform, it is simple and easy. Users will add a profile photo and answer some quick, easy questions before being able to search through the singles on the site. There is a filter where users can request what they are seeking the platform. It allows them to meet a date faster and more efficiently with less time wasted.

With millions of members registered on the Christian platform, Zoosk is one of the most popular sites available. It allows Christian seniors to find their perfect date, too, as there is every type of single searching on the dating website.


Short Review

eHarmony is a great dating site for Christian seniors. Throughout this site review, we will discover the truth behind eHarmony and the Christian seniors seeking love on the platform. eHarmony has a vast number of members and has been established for many years as a reliable dating platform. This Christian dating site review has helped us understand eHarmony more, and we have discovered that it is one of many trusted dating sites for Christian seniors. If you are interested in meeting ladies online with little effort, eHarmony will work for you. There is a filter search available for all users that give the option to request the age group you want to meet and the religion. So for all those Christian seniors seeking love, eHarmony can cater to you. It is one of the most popular dating websites for Christian seniors.



  • Ideal for serious relationships
  • It uses a scientific model to find matches
  • With many members, there are more choices


  • You can only interact with members that eHarmony presents

How Does Work?

Through this dating review, we have discovered that eHarmony is not just one of the most reliable Christian dating platforms available, but it also offers good choices for Christian seniors. Many call it the best dating sites for Christian seniors. There are lots of choices for everyone seeking a date, and the scientific way the site matches users is unique. It is easy and fast to start with eHarmony, just add some photos and answer simple questions, then you are free to search through the site. With millions of users from all over the globe, it makes it a pleasure to seeking love on this dating website.

The site has a search filter that can narrow down exactly what you are searching for on a date. With many religious users seeking love online, eHarmony has become a leader in helping Christian seniors meet one another through online dating. Once you have entered all your details and are registered on the platform, you are free to browse the site.

If you want greater access to the platform, there is a payment every month required. This will allow users better access to the website and more benefits. Such as sending text messages and voice messages. There has been a high match rate through this service over the years due to the quality of the site and how they match users.


Short Review

Match is another amazing site for Christian senior singles. With this review of the dating website Match, we have found that this site has been running since 1995, making it one of the oldest around. The website has lots on offer such as winks, which can be sent to the ones you desire, and also, the site matches 7 profiles per day. This website also offers users a mutual match, which lists compatible profiles. You can join this service by using your email or social media account. The profile will focus on your interests and lifestyle. You can narrow down who you want to meet and request certain requirements, such as age, lifestyle, hobbies, and the education levels of the dates you are interested in. Through this review, we have discovered that Match is available in 38 languages and is used in over 28 countries.



Christian Dating Sites

  • Receive daily matches based on preferences
  • Many ways to show interest in others
  • Global users all over the world
  • Customer care help by email


  • Privacy mode available if you pay only

How Does Match.Com Work?

As this dating platform has been running for over two decades, it has tons of experience and knowledge on the game. Match has a detailed profile of users, which helps create easy and accessible matches quickly. There is a high number of Christian seniors seeking love through the site. Users need to request through the search filter the religion they believe in and that they are interested in meeting someone with the same faith. The platform has many members across the world, so finding a match is easy. The website offers dates for older gentlemen who feel that there is no hope. Match can bring love to everyone, no matter what age.


Single Christian Men Over 50

We have completed our review of these top dating websites. All Christian dating sites to seniors are listed above. Each platform caters to Christian seniors seeking a partner. It does not matter your age or lifestyle, the above websites can find love. It is never too late to find your perfect partner.

Free Christian Dating Sites

When it comes to Christian dating sites for seniors over 60, these sites tick all the boxes. You can meet like-minded people through these sites, all with the same faith. Religion brings people together, and through these sites, users can find their soulmate. All of the above platforms cater to seniors who have maybe been through a divorce and are seeking a second chance.

Best Christian Dating Sites For Seniors Free

All of the above are Christian dating sites for seniors free. Users are able to search for Christian seniors who are above the age of thirty. With many websites available, it can be difficult to find the most suitable one. We hope by completing this review of the dating websites, we have made your life a little easier when it comes to choosing.