Lesbian Herpes Dating Site

  • So, I've been dating this girl for a short time. She has oral herpes. She contracted it from giving oral sex to her ex girlfriend who had genital herpes. They never did this during an outbreak, yet she still contracted the disease. I already have intense feelings for this woman.
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  • The Go-To Dating Website for Lesbians with Herpes. Dating is full of excitement and possibilities, but it can also be full of anxiety and fear. By looking for a partner, we are inevitably accepting the necessity of being vulnerable.

Our website provides information about dating with herpes dating and STD’s in general. Here you will find up-to-date information about the most popular herpes dating sites and apps, dating advice, medical information, the experience of other people and much more.

We have chosen 6 websites and 2 applications for dating people with herpes. These dating services currently have the largest membership databases with people from around the world. You can read short descriptions on this page or more in-depth analytics with pros and cons of each dating website or application separately.

So, to get right into it, here are 10 of the absolute best lesbian dating sites you can find on the internet. Top 8 Best Herpes Dating Sites and Apps That Really Work for STD Singles. Lesbian matchmaker is a dating community for lesbians. All new users to Lesbian Matchmaker and Lesbian dating receive a free trial account. This gives you the opportunity to search the lesbian profiles and meet members of the community.

№1 Positivesingles.com

Positive Singles is the number one choice for dating people with herpes. Since its launch in 2001, this website has acted as a support and dating platform for people with STDs like herpes, HIV/AIDS and HPV.

With a vast membership base of over 1.9 million active users, it is very easy to find a perfect match in most counties worldwide. In addition, over 65,000 users login to the website each day. Positive Singles also boast over 90,000 conversations per day, proving to be a very dynamic communication platform.

These numbers speak for themselves, thereby making this website the best place for people with herpes to find their ideal match. The website also has over 60,000 success stories written by users who have managed to find their date. Convenient applications for iPhone and Android are available for users. Read more…

Positivesingles.com is currently the most popular and most visited website for STD dating in the world.


MPWH.com is one of the largest herpes dating communities available on the market. With PositiveSingles.com dominating the STD dating segment in terms of active members, this site is close behind. You can sign up for free, upload several photos, search for people in your local area and send ‘winks.’

All features are available when you upgrade your membership. It will allow you to send direct messages, chat on video, search for your potential date with more advanced options. As a serious dating platform, MPWH offers applications available at the App Store and Google Play. Read more…


№3 H-Date.com

H-Date.com is out next choice among herpes dating sites. Through their membership in H-Date, all members can instantly access the full features after their successful registration. And guess what, H-Date is free.

After signing up, you can search for other people, send winks, reply to other users, get email notifications if someone is interested in you. However, if you want to start a conversation first, you have to purchase Featured membership. No app is available for this dating service. Read more…

№4 Hsvsingles.com

HSV Singles is another excellent choice for those who want to try finding love or friendship online. What makes this website stand out from other dating services from this niche is that it has a diverse community worldwide. It is translated in 16 languages making it very convenient to use for people from the US, Canada, South America and Europe.

Is There A Herpes Dating Site

The site has a nice-looking design and very easy to use. The drawback is they don’t provide an application for mobile, which makes it not very convenient to use on the go. Read more…

№5 Hwerks.com

Hwerks.com is an online dating service intended primarily for people from the US, and Canada diagnosed with herpes. It has a simple but nice-looking design with chat-rooms and active forums.

The separate part of the website provides regularly updated information about national and local events for people with STD’s.

By paying a one-time fee of $56, you will get access to forums, email messaging and secret Facebook group. The mobile application is not available. Read more…

What Is The Best Herpes Dating Site

№6 Herpespassions.com

HerpesPassions.com is a part of the niche dating sites network. It is 100% free to use with all the necessary communication features and searching for a new date. There is a $4.95 fee if you want to become a Premium member and uncover additional options. The site also has its forum, chat and webcam chat. However, the community of this dating portal is tiny. The site design is cheap and clunky with annoying ads. Read more…

Herpes Statistics

When first diagnosed with genital herpes, most people think their dating life is over. Some go into a deep depression or even worse. You must not let genital herpes (HSV-2) or any other STD define who you are or take control over your life, because if you do, then the STD has won. You are in charge of your life and not your STD!

Do you know that approximately 1 in 6 people in the United States have genital herpes (HSV-2)? These are not numbers we made up. These facts come from the CDC – Center For Disease Control

Most people are unaware of just how common genital herpes is. Many who are infected have never had an outbreak or have shown herpes symptoms. The only right way to know if you have genital herpes is to get tested. This is when most find out they are infected. Because genital herpes (HSV-2) is spread through the skin during a skin contact, condoms do not protect against becoming infected with the virus or passing the virus onto another person.

Lonely and Rejected?

When you begin to date after becoming infected with genital herpes (HSV-2), you may often experience rejection from your potential partners. Most dates run like a “deer in headlights” when their date informs them they have genital herpes, which can be a huge emotional blow for the infected person.

You’ve gone to the bar, fixed up. You’ve even checked out the personal ads. Time after time, the people you’re interested in just aren’t interested in you. Why not? Could be because they just aren’t open to dating someone who has the herpes virus. With this hurdle to overcome in a dating scene that’s already complicated enough, should you just resign yourself to being alone?

Herpes Dating Sites Are Here To Help

Absolutely not! At herpes dating websites, all members are looking for someone just like you. Everyone understands the difficulties and rejections you’ve been through, because they’ve been through the same things. But they’re not giving up on finding the the love of their lives — they’re here, searching in an environment that is safe and accepting. Sites’ members come from all over the world, so whatever race or ethnicity you’re searching for, you’ll find it here.

Another awesome thing is if you decide to go on a date with someone from this website, you don’t have to stress out about having to tell them you have STD. How great is that! Being able to date without that considerable weight on your shoulders will relax you so you can concentrate on your conversation instead of the thought of ” how to tell your date you have herpes.” That thought is so distracting that it puts a damper on things if you let it.

Herpes dating sites take all the awkwardness out of the picture. Instead of watching the exotic lady across the room, wondering if she’s open to people with this issue, you can contact her directly, knowing that the answer to the question is “yes”! Instead of eyeing the hot guy across the dance floor, not sure if he’d judge you because of your herpes status, you can go ahead and drop him a line and start chatting right away. None of that is an issue for him, so all that’s left is for you to let him get to know you!


Members of these websites come from all sexual preferences like gay, lesbian, straight, bi and transexual. You can meet STD singles who are Catholic, Protestant, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Scientology, Mormon and other religions.

Whether you’re looking for a new email friend, someone to hang out with on the weekends, or something more serious, there’s someone there who’s looking for you!