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There are so many things to do on Meetup. Join a group to meet people, make friends, find support, grow a business, and explore your interests. Thousands of events are happening every day, both online and in person! is the number one Orthodox dating website for local people, so why not sign up? It takes just minutes to become a member of our site, after which you can begin contacting members you’re interested in. We have many Orthodox singles using our service, and lots of them would love to meet someone like you. So, what are you waiting for? Create your profile now and start your search for men or women who share your religious views. All you need to do to get started is provide a few details about yourself, as well as some recent photos. You’ll then be able to browse hundreds of personals at your leisure. We are the leading Orthodox Christian dating site and over the years we’ve helped countless people to find a partner who’s right for them. Whether you want a serious relationship with the right person or you’re more interested in dating casually right now, that’s fine. Our Orthodox dating website can help you to achieve your goals in no time at all. Register for free to learn more about how we can help you find compatible Orthodox singles. There’s never been an easier way to find your perfect match!

Orthodox Christian Singles has 1,394 members. This is an Orthodox Christian group ONLY. No atheists nor agnostics, nor any other non Christians are allowed unless you are earnestly seeking to become an Orthodox Christian. Dating is a process of finding a mate to marry. Well, marriage has many beautiful intersections, negotiations, and complications. For example, in-laws and finances and where we will live and sexual activity and social life, etc. It probably isn’t smart to factor in a difference of religion if it can be avoided. Where Orthodox Christian Singles Meet! Log in to Please enter your sign in details. Sign up here if you are not registered yet. Where Can I Find Single Orthodox christian? You can head out for a walk or visit social events, or volunteer for charity organizations. It’s possible to check out personals to find an attractive single.



Jun 18, 2017
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Meet Orthodox Christian Singles

Hi guys.I am a convert to oriental orthodoxy from a baptist backround,to catholicism and then to OO.I am happy with my decision to one day become baptized in the oriental orthodox church but I have one thing that is really tough on me.and that is finding a OO wife that is compatible with me.I can not find a OO just won't happen practically speaking,and the cultural,linguistic,geographic and other barriers(like the fact every OO ethnicity like armenians,copts,nasranis,Syriacs and even ethiopians are very unwelcoming to the idea of marrying outsiders and are endogamous and somewhat xenophobic when it comes to marrying others.
I wouldn't even have any way to marry a woman of any of these cultures or find one.theres no way to meet any looking for marriage that are also compatible with me.or that will even like me.
I prefer to find a woman from my country(America and holland) but they aren't orthodox although they are christian.
I know that the armenian etzmiadin church marries OO to any baptized trinitarian christian,but my question is if this would be valid in God's eyes?if it isn't why does armenian and malankara church do it?how can they do something that makes their parishioners that do marry outside,live in fornication?
I heard a priest say on tasbeha that only orthodox can take the sacraments so a marriage wouldn't be possible with nonorthodox.
if so then I can never marry,and I will fall into sin.but I also I do not want to leave the OO church for another church because it is a mortal sin.
but the armenian and malankara church does allow to marry catholics.and I can find a catholic or protestant woman easily.I don't know what to do.I also don't want to postpone baptism because I don't want to die and not be able to go to heaven,even though I can marry even a atheist before baptism and stay married to her if I become baptized.
this is all so hard.
any OO know if what the armenian and malankara churches do is okay in God's eyes?