Unpaid Dating Apps

Finding a non-detestable person to share a meal or a life with can be tough. The montage of small talk and awkward pauses lead many a dater to both dating fatigue and cat-buying tendencies.

Facebook Dating is a free dating service that launched in the U.S. In September 2019. Anyone with a Facebook profile is eligible to join Facebook Dating and expand their reach in the local dating scene. You can only access this free dating service through the Facebook app, and you’ll have to create a new dating profile to get started. Scores of singles’ portfolios scatter the myriad of paid or unpaid dating apps, some intended for casual hookups, others for serious commitment. Popular dating apps like OKCupid or Match are based on the idea of entering partner preferences and personal information, then allowing the app to select matches based on your personality and ideal. Choose from Top 3 apps in each category. We have selected only best hookup apps and sites for you, so you get professional reviews of most popular dating services. (Editor choice) You can also select an app by country by reading fascinating stories and tips in our hook up blog. We hope that our guide will help you get laid easily and quickly.

In other words – dating is awful.

Finding partners seemed easier in the years of forced socializing, such as primary school and college, wherein meeting new people was a required way of life. Adulthood on the other hand presents the weighty challenge of forcing oneself to swim in whichever sea of strangers one feels tolerable that day. Social clubs, churches, and gyms are popular places – but adding extracurricular social activity can be a struggle for the busy working professional.

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Enter online dating – the only way to meet people on the comfort of your couch or the solace of the toilet. Scores of singles’ portfolios scatter the myriad of paid or unpaid dating apps, some intended for casual hookups, others for serious commitment. Popular dating apps like OKCupid or Match are based on the idea of entering partner preferences and personal information, then allowing the app to select matches based on your personality and ideal partner traits. Some apps use this same idea but are more selective, such as E-harmony. E-harmony is an app so committed to assisting users in long-term relationships that persons who do not meet a certain set of requirements can be expelled from the app entirely.

Further still is Tinder, a newer app popular with young daters. Tinder helps users find individuals they perceive as visually attractive as a primary means of connection. Secondarily are personality traits such as hobbies or personal preferences, which has since caused the app to earn a reputation as a means for finding short-term relationships or one night stands.

The great challenge these and most other online dating apps is this – it’s strangers trying to find love among strangers. As popular online dating blogger Single Steve laments, “I’ve always hated online dating. But I’ve always done it….[and am] going to keep doing it, because that’s just what you do. And you know what I hate most about it? It’s the philosophy of online dating. It’s the process of going on dates with strangers.”


Granted, getting to know anyone from a friend to a colleague to a romantic partner is always awkward – but there’s something extra special about the bumbling awkwardness surrounding online dating. Strangers looking to find the greatest commitments of humanity with strangers. Weird.

Eliminating the Cyber Stranger

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The landscape of online dating is an expansive valley of self-written profiles, professing how interesting, charming, or hipster-geeky-chic one is. Daters tweak said profiles regularly in hopes of ensnaring a person with a pulse who will find the lie-laden profile convincing enough to give a real life meeting a shot.

But people aren’t stupid – everyone knows everyone is lying. For example, shoppers are more likely to give business to a company referred by a friend over a company they learned about via advertisement. Through a similar vein, wouldn’t daters trust dating recommendations from friends instead of the self-advertised, falsified, often ridiculous portfolios that clutter the dating world online?

That’s what Pear Friends is hoping.

The Dating App Based on Real Friend Introductions

In mid-December 2014, a new type of dating app was launched, aimed at getting rid of unwanted stranger danger. Pear Friends is a free mobile app available on Android and iOS connecting friends-of-friends for long-walks-on-the-beach dating purposes. Once downloaded, the app syncs with the user’s Facebook profile. As the largest and most used social network on the internet, Facebook profiles are usually complete with profile pictures, work history, age, and personal preferences…the essential elements of an online dating profile. All the user needs to do is allow the connection.

From there, the app works in two ways:

Find a Pear – Your Facebook friends have their own Facebook friends with whom you don’t share a direct connection with. Once friends allow Pear Friends to access their contacts, the user can browse through friends of friends to find a person dateable.

Find someone intriguing? Tap the profile and the app will ask your Facebook friend to introduce you.

Pear Friends – Here’s the big difference with Pear Friends. Not only does the app allow users to actively search for a date, but people who aren’t even interested in dating can use the app as well. If any friend truly is a friend, most of the time they are interested in matching together people they like, connecting their own network and helping people they care about find people to care about.

By tapping into innate human desires to 1) find a romantic partner and 2) help friends, our prediction is Pear Friends is going to change online dating significantly. The reason is the app moves online dating strategy away from the proactive profile hunt done alone, but into a space that includes friends in the match-making experience. Social opportunities in the real world tend to revolve around who knows and introduces who, meaning Pear Friends is moving the online dating game much closer to the real life dating game.

What do you think? Will Pear Friends change online dating? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Are you feeling how will you find your right one in this big world with 7 billion people? Well, internet technology has made the world smaller than you think. We have a whole new smaller world namely, the online world where people can connect closer to one other despite their physical distance.

The same goes for finding your soul mate. Dating is hard and this pandemic has made it even harder. But thanks to online dating apps that people can still find their dates by maintaining them 6 feet apart. The online chat system, voice calls, and video chats would make you feel like the real date without going to the actual date.

Here are some of the best and popular dating sites and apps that you love to check out :


Tinder is the most popular dating site and app. It’s a perfect place to look for a casual hookup, a potential date, friendship, or a long term relationship. Tinder shows you people near your area with interests similar to yours.

On the upside, the profiles are brief and you do not need to upload your real photos and thus, can maintain your privacy until you want to reveal your actual identity to certain people. This way you can be safe from perverts.

The downside is that a short dating profile makes it harder to figure out what a lot of people are looking for. There are many fake profiles and most people use Tinder as time pass and a stop after their break up. People maybe just time passing than to find the relationship.


Tantan is also a popular dating app. It’s the perfect place to look for the potential date and it is free of fake peoples and frauds as the people need to verify their photos. Tantan also shows the people near your area with interests similar to yours.

On the upside, Tantan identifies real photos and verifies users with a powerful moderation system.

On the downside, the app automatically renews your subscription if you have upgraded your profile to premium. Also, it shows the profile which is not active at all.


Bumble is also a popular free dating app. But it requires women to message first. If the guy doesn’t message back within 24 hours, he loses the potential dates. The timer is designed to encourage contact and some people do appreciate this feature.

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On the upside, Bumble tends to weed out the more insecure males from the dating pool. because women must message first. Bumble also has a BFF feature to help you meet new people and make new friends.

On the downside, The males might feel that women are more privileged. The timer is also a sort of disadvantage as you might lose potential dates if you were not active during that time.


OkCupid is the perfect dating site if you are seeking a long term relationship. The Profiles are a lot more in-depth than most online dating sites. It also allows you to take a series of the questionnaire that is more like a personality test to find you a perfect match.

On the upside, The app allows you to find a compatible match and most people have found their ideal match through this site.

On the downside, To get something out of OkCupid, you have to invest a decent amount of time and effort to fill out your profile and answer the throngs of questions.


Happn matches you with people who are located nearby. It’s a cool concept and helpful for people who want to meet someone more organically.

On the upside, the app might be helpful if you’re looking to date your immediate neighbors. So, basically, If you saw an attractive guy in a coffee shop, You can search if he is on Happn and initiate a conversation.

On the downside, it seems to be lacking behind the major competitors like Tinder and Tantan which also use similar features. So, compared to Tinder and Tantan, the users might be quite low.


Badoo is also a popular dating app that allows you to connect to potential matches nearby. You have to create a profile with a photo and answer profile questions and also select the options of who you want to meet (age, gender) and why (dating, friendship). Then, Tap on photos; answer “Yes,” “Maybe,” or “No” to meeting up; send and respond to users’ messages; list favorites; and more.

On the upside, it is easy to use and safe. The site is marked as an adult dating site so, only those who are 18+ can use this site.

On the downside, it can add more specifications in the profile that can allow the user to know more about the person beforehand.


Match is a popular dating site. It has a free version, but the general opinion is that you’ll need a paid subscription to have any success. That’s a general opinion that a paid membership to a site means you are serious about a relationship

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On the upside, Match is perfect to find people who are interested in real relationships.

On the downside, the site uses both paid and unpaid users and it is difficult to know who is paid and unpaid. This means that you could be messaging to people who cannot write you back. Paid users have more privileges and anyone who is a paid user can message you. This means you could be inundated by messages from people you don’t want to meet.


Hinge is a popular dating app. The app is not just about swiping and setting up a profile with a photo and bio. Instead, three questions must be answered. For eg: favorite pet? Dog and the possible matches will like the responses and start a conversation.

On the upside, it is easy to use. It helps in meeting like-minded people with similar interests.

On the downside, While you can trial the Hinge app for a while, you’ll eventually be asked to pay the $7 monthly membership fee.


HER is a dating app for queer, bisexual, and lesbian women to find their ideal partner. It also shares LGBTQ+ news and events taking place in your area.

On the upside, The app is free and you can view profiles, add friends, and start chats at no extra cost.

On the downside, you have to upgrade to HER Premium to filter users by sexuality, see who is currently online, and more.


Qemistry is a new online, free dating app. It is designed for all genders and sexual orientations. It was launched on September 3, 2020, and is still an infant in dating app scenes but has huge potential. Instead of just having a photo and bio, you have to upload your videos, be it be TikTok, Insta stories.

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On the upside, the videos help to know about the personality of the user. People won’t be catfished over an edited photo of the user.

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On the downsides, people can misutilize the videos.

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